Boletim BRICS Brasil
Boletim COP30 Brasil
Boletim do Bolsa Família
Boletim do MDS
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Boletim dos Jogos Paralímpicos
Boletim G20
Boletim G20 - English
Boletim G20 - Español
Boletim G20 - Guarani
Boletim Brasil a todo vapor
Boletim MEC
Boletim Povos Indígenas
Boletim Sintonia
Brasil Contra Fake
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Conexão Energia
Direto do Planalto
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Minuto Ciência
Minuto IBGE
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Notícias da Gestão
Boletim de Notícias do MIR - Ministério da Igualdade Racial
Planejamento em Pauta
Som da Indústria
Combating the effects of natural disasters requires funds
Investing in resilient infrastructure and ensuring early warnings are some of the measures adopted in Brasil to deal with natural disasters. However, more investment is necessary, says the Minister of Integration and Regional Development Waldez Góes. Listen to the report and find out more.
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